20 Aug Queensland Consent Law Reform!
Help BRISSC reform Queensland consent laws!
In early 2020 the QLRC (Queensland Law Review Commission) put a call out for submissions to review consent and the ‘mistake of fact defence’ in the Queensland Criminal Code.
Over 80 submissions were made, many from sexual violence services. The QLRC held a public consultation in February – over 30 services and survivors attended and agreed in favour of changing the definition of consent to an affirmative consent model, as well as repealing the mistake of fact defence as it applies to sexual violence cases.
The QLRC handed down its report over a week ago and has ignored all changes proposed by the sexual violence sector – it has proposed very minor changes which will not support survivors in the criminal justice system.
We have one last chance to fight for better reforms. We call upon the government to adopt these amendments and take meaningful steps towards real reform.
Please consider signing RASAs letter writing campaign below to elevate the voices of survivors!
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