25 Jun Pride Month 2024
June is pride month! A time for celebration, reflection & making space. Just like with other dedicated months and weeks, this is work & play we should be doing all year.
BRISSC acknowledges that LGBTIQA+SB communities experience sexual violence at similar, if not higher rates, as cisgender women. Yet, queer relationships & community are largely invisible in policy and practice responses. A lot of systemic change & queer and trans voices are still needed in our systems and services.
Everybody deserves to access safe and appropriate support.
The images on this post are from our 2022 consultations with women, nonbinary and gender-diverse survivors of sexual violence speaking to queer and gender diverse experiences of accessing services and sexual violence. Graphic design by @sunchild_studio
References –
Australian Bureau of Statisticsâ Personal Safety Survey
Campo, M., & Tayton, S. (2015). Intimate partner violence in lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, intersex and queer communities. https://aifs.gov.au/âŚ/intimate-partner-violence-lgbtiqâŚ
Hill et al, (2020) Private Lives 3: The Health and Wellbeing of LGBTIQ People in Australia, Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society, pp 75-77.

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