09 Jun BRISSC Art Show – Expressions of Interest
BRISSC would like to invite women survivors, allies and activists and people who like to make art to put in their expressions of interest to participate and/or exhibit in our community art exhibition.
Art can open a different pathway to express and share your stories in a creative way, without words, without the inherent shame that can be attached to verbalizing and explaining events.
Our aim is to hold a space voice for women whose words are sometimes lost in translation. We encourage all women including those from diverse and Indigenous communities to share their experience of resistance and liberation from personal and sociological experiences of sexual violence.
This will be showcased in an online art exhibition and possibly a physical art show depending on COVID restrictions.
In the lead up to the art show, BRISSC will host art workshops and online tutorials over 8 weeks to support submissions. These workshops will be facilitated by a range of specialised arts workers. The art practices & techniques explored within the workshops will be decided collaboratively by participants.
Participants may choose to take part in the workshops that interest them, work independently if they prefer, or to submit original work they have created previously.
To register your interest and receive an information package please email Milena: [email protected]
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