20 Feb National Centre for Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse – Online Consultation
The Australian Government will today commence a public consultation process to inform the design of the National Centre for the Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse (the National Centre).
The establishment of a National Centre was a recommendation (9.9) of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse (Royal Commission).
The National Centre will provide a national strategic focus to coordinate research and build service capability to both respond to and prevent child sexual abuse.
The Australian Government is inviting interested stakeholders to have their say on the scope, function and priorities of the National Centre via an online survey. We particularly welcome input from people with lived experience, their families and the broader sector.
To access the survey, and an accompanying information paper, visit engage.dss.gov.au. The consultation will be open from Monday 17 February until Sunday 15 March 2020.
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